Why is Aged Care Facility Flooring Maintenance Important?

A quality floor will look great, function well and make any space feel a whole lot better, but even the most resilient flooring needs regular maintenance in order to be at its best. Maintaining aged care flooring is particularly important – the following takes a brief look at some of the many reasons why.

Aged Care Facility Flooring Maintenance

It is easy to take your floors for granted and assume that they can handle almost anything without your help, but even the highest quality floors need regular maintenance.

Maintain those looks

Regardless of what those floors are made from, unless you are putting time and effort into maintaining them they won’t be looking good for long. Each flooring material has its own specific requirements, making it is wise to have professionals take care of the cleaning for you; however, it is also important to get to know those materials so you know how to handle unexpected spills or accidents quickly. Your residents deserve to live in a place that looks clean, stylish and well-kept – regular floor maintenance will ensure you are providing a place anyone would be proud to call home.

Keep it clean

Regular maintenance of your floors will play a crucial role in providing a hygienic environment. Sweeping, mopping and vacuuming will help to prevent tiny particles of skin, dust and dirt from polluting the air and areas that deal with moisture of any sort must be thoroughly cleaned in order to prevent mould, mildew or bacteria from spreading. For best results, train staff to take care of spills as soon as they happen and have all floors professionally cleaned on a regular basis.

Boost longevity

A new floor can require a considerable investment, so unless you can afford to pay for repairs or replacements regularly it is wise to put some effort into maintaining them. While some floors will be easier to upkeep than others, a small effort on a regular basis will often be enough to seriously extend the life of your floors. Have any noticeable issues taken care of before they go from bad to worse and invest in professional inspections and maintenance regularly, because some issues will be less obvious to the untrained eye.

Play it safe

In order to keep everyone at the facility safe your floors need to always be in optimum condition, otherwise, general wear and tear can develop into slipping or tripping hazards if left unchecked. Whether coatings need to be reapplied, fixes done or entire sections replaced, conducting regular maintenance will ensure that you are providing the safest environment possible.

Protect your warranty

All flooring materials will come backed by a manufacturer’s warranty guaranteeing their performance; however, often this will require that professional maintenance is carried out on those floors regularly. Following the terms of your warranty will ensure that you are always protected, potentially saving you a small fortune if you ever need to call on that coverage.

Aged Care Facility Flooring Maintenance

It is easy to take your floors for granted and assume that they can handle almost anything without your help, but even the highest quality floors need regular maintenance. If you have questions regarding the maintenance of your aged care flooring, talk to the professionals at Aussie Flooring Insights.