What are the Benefits of Custom Flooring Designs in Aged Care Facilities?

Aged care flooring needs to be designed to handle a number of unique challenges, many of which will have a direct impact on the health and happiness of the staff, residents and their guests. Custom flooring designs in aged care facilities ensure all your bases are covered – here is a brief look at some of the many benefits.

Aussie Commercial Flooring Insights flooring aged care

Create the right atmosphere

Custom aged care flooring will provide the right colours, designs and textures to suit each part of the facility. For example, a colourful carpet with an upbeat design will provide a welcome burst of energy in entertainment areas, but dining areas and bedrooms will be more suited to a refined and subtle look. Your floors will play a significant role in establishing the style and personality of each room and with custom designs you can find an appropriate choice to suit the specific needs of every area.

Provide custom care

There are a wide variety of residents in any aged care facility, some of whom may need more specialised care than others – custom flooring can help ensure that everyone’s needs are taken care of. For example; residents with fading vision or those dealing with dementia will appreciate floors with clear contrasts and simple patterns, as this will help to minimise confusion and therefore reduce the chance of accidents. Residents with lowered immune systems, on the other hand, may need flooring designed for extra protection against germs, in which case custom vinyl or rubber flooring may be the best solution. With custom flooring everyone’s health care needs can be accommodated.

Make getting around easy

The hallways and corridors in aged care facilities can see a lot of traffic, therefore having floors custom designed to make getting around easy will prevent accidents and injury. The ideal floors for such busy areas need to be hard enough to make walking, wheeling or rolling easy, while being soft enough to provide a little cushioning; vinyl and low pile carpet are two fantastic solutions. Steer clear of spongier surfaces – such as rubber or thick pile carpet – as they can make getting around those thoroughfares a significant challenge.

Invest in durability

For an aged care facility to provide quality care it needs flooring designed to last. Floors that deal with water should be non-porous and ideally one-piece surfaces, because apart from the obvious health and safety concerns, this will prevent the floors themselves from being damaged. Similarly, floors that deal with high traffic need to be resilient enough to cope with all those people, wheelchairs, walkers and equipment. Anything less than durable aged care flooring will jeopardise the health and safety of all concerned and mean those floors will need replacing again sooner rather than later.

Custom flooring design in aged care facilities ensure all your bases are covered – here is a brief look at some of the many benefits.

Few elements of interior design will have a greater impact on the look, feel and function of a space quite like flooring, making it well worth investing in custom solutions. If you are considering updating the floors at your aged care facility and are in need of a professional opinion, talk to the experts at Aussie Flooring Insights.